Make The Hike


Two weeks ago we kicked of the 2016/17 Fusion school year with a simple, yet, massive challenge, “Make The Hike”! Over the summer the word “movement” kept coming into my mind. All I could think about was wanting students to make some kind of move this school year toward God. It’s one of three values that we have in our Life Group Ministry, this word movement. So two weeks ago we sought to challenge movement in the life of every student this school year by beginning to “Take The Hike”!

How? I am glad you asked!

There are three specific things that I do before I go on a hiking trip that may last for a few days. First, I chart my destination, where do I want to be by the end of my journey? Typically, for section hikers, it can be 30 to 40 miles north of where they start, especially if on the Appalachee Trail. The destination tells a lot about what I need to pack.

We asked our students in Fusion, for this school year, where do you want to be in May of 2017? What is your destination? And I ask the same of you reading this blog, where do you want to be in May of 2017? Do you want to lead your family spiritually, start a bible study at the office, be serious about the local church, or develop a love for the Bible? Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10 that we are created in Christ to do good works which God prepared for us long ago. What are those good works for you? God has plans for you this year. He has created you to do awesome things for His fame! Don’t you want to experience this? So, first, where do you want to be in May of 2017?

Secondly, hikers prepare, they map out a plan and decide what they want to pack to help them achieve getting to their destination. We asked students to list 3 things that they know they have to take with them. some listed a bible, others said they needed to have a conversation with a coach about missing practices to be at Fusion, others said a conversation with their parents to begin bringing them to church on Sunday mornings. What about you, what would you need to pack in your bag to help you get to your journey. Maybe it’s and accountability partner, or joining a Southern Hills Life group, getting into soul care, or having a conversation with your family. Joshua 1:9 tells us to be strong and courageous about this plan, that the Lord will be us wherever we go. I would ask, what do you, yourself need to bring for your journey? Make a list now!

Lastly, experienced hikers always do a pre-hike, with their pack. They do this to determine what can hike without, mostly because the weight of the pack they are carrying. Little weight is priceless when hiking long distances. Again, we asked our students to list three things they felt they needed to unpack before making this hike. It could be everything from a season in sports, instagram, or even a friend that has been extremely unhealthy for them. What about you, what do you need to unpack in your life to make this hike? Do you need to unpack fear, anger, bitterness, a relationship, a habit. In Colossians 3:5, Paul says to put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking in us. What are those for you?

Look, I am on this hike with our students this year and I want you to join me. My destination is TRUST! I have to trust God with more of Him and less of me. May you join me and our students and make this hike.

To watch the message, “Make the Hike”, you can on the SoHills app in the android and apple app store.

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